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The Central Plains Rural Revitalization Planning and Design Forum and the first member congress of the Rural Construction Special Committee of Henan Civil Architecture Society was a complete success

Release time: 2023-12-26Author: Henan Civil Architecture Society


In order to implement the "CThe Central Committee of The State Council on doing well2023The Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Key Work of Rural Revitalization provide new ideas, new wisdom and new energy for the planning and construction of beautiful villages。Sponsored by Henan Daily, Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Henan Provincial Society of Civil Architecture, the "Central Plains Rural Revitalization Planning and Design Forum" hosted by Henan University College of Civil Architecture1223It was held at the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Henan University。The theme of this forum is "Practice and Reflection on Rural Construction under humanistic feelings"。


Professor Zhang Jianwei, Executive Dean of the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University, presided over the opening ceremony of the forum

Wang Zhaodong, Chairman of Henan Civil Architecture Society, Sun Huichang, Deputy Director of Rural Construction Department of Henan Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department, attended the forum and delivered a speech. Nan Han, Party Secretary of Henan University School of Civil Architecture, delivered a speech to welcome the guests。Wang Aiju, Vice chairman and Secretary General of Henan Civil and Architectural Society, Li Xiaoke, Party Secretary of the College of Architecture, North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower, Li Lifeng, President of the Zhengzhou Branch of China Northeast Architecture Design and Research Institute, Dong Lunfeng, Director of the Rural Kaifeng Bureau of Henan Daily, Song Chuanqiang, chairman of Henan Zhongzhan Power Co., LTD., Zhang Zhongmin, Chief planner of Zhengzhou Planning and Design Institute, Henan Urban and Rural RegulationsWang Feng, president of the fifth branch of the chief planner of the Planning Institute, Dai Kelin, vice president and chief architect of Henan Province Construction Engineering Design Co., LTD., Zhao Mingshi, president of the Design Institute of China Nonferrous Metals Sixth Metallurgical Construction Co., LTD., and He Xin, director of the News product Center of Henan Daily Rural Edition, attended the meeting。At the same time, the "Ten best Central Plains beautiful villages" branch secretary and the county, township leaders, industry experts, business elites, Henan University teachers and students representatives nearly 200 people attended the meeting。


Nan Han, Party secretary, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University                        Wang Zhaodong, chairman of Henan Civil Architecture Society


Sun Huichang, deputy director of Village Construction Department of Henan Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Department                   Wang Aiju, vice chairman and secretary general of Henan Civil Architecture Society

Wang Zhaodong, chairman of Henan Civil Architecture Society, pointed out in his speech that the Special Committee on Rural Construction of Henan Civil Architecture Society, led by Henan University, is committed to inspiring and mobilizing the forces of Henan university teachers, students, design units and other parties to contribute to rural revitalization。Rural practice should adhere to the development concept of "clear water and green mountains are gold hills and silver mountains", adhere to the "people", highlight the integration of production, life and ecology, and emphasize that industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization and the entry point of actual work。With the deepening of the rural revitalization strategy, the holding of "Central Plains Rural Revitalization Planning and Design Forum" is of great significance and value。

Sun Huichang, Deputy Director of the Village Construction Department of Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, on behalf of Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, extended warm congratulations on the holding of the Central Plains Rural Revitalization Planning and Design Forum。He deeply analyzed the changes in the main contradictions of our society, the changes in the situation of housing and urban and rural construction and development, and stressed the importance of rural planning for rural revitalization。

Wang Aiju, vice chairman and secretary general of Henan Civil and Architectural Society, read out the list of the first person in charge of the newly established rural construction Special Committee: Chairman Zhang Jianwei, deputy chairman Li Xiaoke, Lang Yue, Li Feng, Wang Junling, Zhao Mingshi, Daiklin, He Xin, Secretary-General Lang Yue。


The first person in charge of the Special Committee for Rural Construction took a photo with Wang Zhaodong, Sun Huichang, Wang Aiju and others

At the opening ceremony, the award ceremony of the first "Top Ten Beautiful Villages in the Central Plains" was held, presided over by Lang Yue, deputy chairman and secretary-general of the Special Committee for Rural Construction。The guests presented honorary plaques, certificates and bonuses to the representatives of the winning villages and design units。自20227Since the launch of the activity in October, the selection of the "Top Ten Beautiful Villages in the Central Plains" has received positive responses from cities, counties, towns and townships around the country, as well as the majority of design units and universities。Experts organized by Henan Civil and Architectural Society selected ten well-deserved excellent villages through initial evaluation, re-evaluation and field visits。In the future, we will continue to explore more beautiful villages in Henan, feel their unique charm and tap their endless potential。


The award ceremony of the first "Top Ten Beautiful Villages in Central China"

In the following report session, presided over by Li Xiaoke, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Architecture of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, the forum invited industry experts and university scholars to give speeches on the practical experience and existing problems of rural revitalization work。


Xiao-ke li Lai Yuqiang

Deputy Chief engineer of China Academy of Building Science Co., LTD., Vice president of Architectural Design Institute, President of Green Building low-carbon branch of Beijing Survey and Design Association裕强The paper was titled "Rural Revitalization Practice and Thinking.The report of。


Tian Fengshao                                                           Fan Qindong
Associate Professor Tian Fengshao, vice dean and master tutor of the School of Philosophy and Public Administration of Henan University, and researcher of the Institute of Rural Revitalization of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, based on his long-term research content of rural revitalization and rural development, social policy and social construction, made the policy Design and Future Development of Rural Construction ActionThe report of。
Professor Fan Qindong, deputy dean of the School of Architecture, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, made a study entitled "Rural Landscape Design.The report takes Maling Village as an example to share the problems and design principles of rural landscape。


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Fan Fei, a teacher at the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Henan University, made a speech entitled "Rural Revitalization and Rural Planning and Design personnel Training.The report of。From the current situation of rural homestead reform to the future adjustment of college planning and design teaching practice, I shared my thoughts。

Lang Yue, secretary General of rural construction Committee of Henan Civil Architecture Society,The theme is "Architects and Rural Public Welfare",She shared her investment and construction experience in Yuanguou Village,This paper analyzes and summarizes the rural development of Henan Province from the perspective of "Top Ten Beautiful Villages in Central China",The purpose and work objectives of the special committee for rural construction are introduced。

Secretary-general Lang Yue said that the purpose of the Special Committee for Rural construction is to closely focus on the national rural revitalization policy and strategic deployment, organize and mobilize units and individuals engaged in rural construction planning, design, research, education and operational practice, and promote the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in Henan Province。Strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments, provide technical support and services, improve the rural environment, promote rural culture, improve the quality of life of rural residents, and promote rural economic development。The work objectives of the Special Committee for Rural construction are to build academic exchange platforms for rural construction, provide technical support and consulting services, organize rural construction design competitions, and strengthen the training of relevant professional talents in colleges and universities,Bring together the power of government, universities, enterprises and village collectives,Combining capital, intelligence and resources,Jointly explore new paths and new methods for rural construction,We will effectively implement the national strategy for rural revitalization,We will raise the level of rural construction in Henan。


Rural construction forum site

In the afternoon, some rural representatives and members of the special Committee for rural construction held a small symposium, and had in-depth discussions and exchanges on specific problems encountered in the development of villages。Local governments and village committees shared the experience of grassroots work in rural construction and pointed out the difficulties they are currently facing。In view of the deficiencies in rural construction, all parties offered suggestions and suggestions, hoping to promote multi-party cooperation through the Rural Construction Committee in the future, and jointly solve the practical problems existing in rural construction。

In the one-day activity, industry leaders, village branch secretaries and local county and township leaders, experts, scholars and business elites gathered together to collide with each other, share views, exchange experience, and jointly explore methods and ideas for the development of rural areas in the Central Plains, and contribute to the overall promotion of rural revitalization in the Central Plains!

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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